Keep in the loop with whats going on with me as welll as other things I find interesting and want to share.

- Jojo
- New York, New York, United States
- I'm a NYC gay Socialite, Model, Party Animal & Just Plain AWESOME!! #TeamBeackham
Monday, December 20, 2010
New Video: Dev Ft the Cataracs "Bass Down Low"
Ok, So I'm pretty sure most of ya'll know Dev as the female vocals from the song "G6." However before that I've heard her voice on this track by The Cataracs called "Bass Down Low".
Nicki Minaj On Chelsea Lately!!
Two of my favorite female celebs share the stage. So Nicki Minaj was a guest on Chelsea Lately last week and as all of, well, most of Chelsea's interviews I enjoyed this 1.
Check it out...
Check it out...
Jamaican Strip Club Fuckery!!
So I came across this video and thought I'd share. I mean besides the 2 chicks in the video looking just dirty and smelly, the actions are worse.. SMH.. Makes me not wanna go to a strip club anymore..
Check it out...
Check it out...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Important News For Homeless Trangenders
A pilot policy to allow transgender people to choose between Men’s and women's shelters has proven to reduced violence. But women's Shelters are safer for either identity.
Janet Releases Very Life Like Barbie for Charity
Janet Jackson is trying out her entrepreneurial skills and going about fundraising in a quite unorthodox fashion.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pop ICON Janet Jackson Announces Plans for 2011 WORLD TOUR!!
Above pic taken while Janet Performed at the Essence Music Festival
Yes! This is the news I've been waiting for all year. I've seen Janet live in concert twice (All 4 You & RockWitChu tours) and I have "The Velvet Rope" tour on dvd. All who know me know I LOVE LOVE LOVE Janet. Like Seriously I know the dances to all her videos.
Janet Jackson,
Live Performace,
World Tour
Thursday, November 18, 2010
White Lady Calls UPS Man the N Word.. TOO FUNNY!!
OMG!! I almost pissed myself when I saw this video. However I would have gotten fired and prob arrested to knocking the shit out that bitch...
New Hepatitis C drug said to work better for Black patients
A late stage trial of Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc's eagerly anticipated hepatitis C drug “TELAPREVIR” showed impressive cure rates for black patients and for patients with advanced liver disease.
In the Phase III study known as Advance, 62 percent of black patients who received telaprevir achieved sustained viral response (SVR), which is considered tantamount to a cure. That compared with just a 25 percent cure rate from the current standard drugs of pegylated interferon and ribavirin.
The study's overall cure rates 75% for telaprevir in combination with the current standard drugs versus 44% for the standard drugs alone was previously released. But full details of the trial were being presented for the first time at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases meeting in Boston.
Breaking out an analysis of black patients in the trial was significant because of the greater prevalence of hepatitis C and historically lower cure rates for that population.
FACT: African Americans bare a large proportion of the burden of hepatitis C in the United States compared with Caucasians and the overall general population.
According to data compiled from 1999 to 2002, one in seven African American men between the ages of 50 and 59 in the United States is living with hepatitis C.
Telaprevir, from a new class of antiviral drugs, is widely expected to be approved by U.S. regulators next year. Vertex plans to complete its application seeking approval this year.
Excitement over the drug has been high, and a similar experimental medicine is being developed by Merck & Co. It is said to believe that Merck & Co have demonstrated significantly higher cure rates than current drugs and the potential to cut treatment duration in half for many patients.
Cutting treatment duration from the current 48 weeks is a huge advantage as the current drugs, which must still be taken with the new medicines, can cause debilitating flu-like symptoms that cause many patients to discontinue treatment or avoid it altogether. It is believed that thousands of patients with hepatitis C have been putting off treatment to await the new, more effective medicines.
In the Advance study, 58% of patients who received telaprevir met the criteria for a 24 week treatment duration. Said criteria called for levels of the virus in the blood to fall to undetectable levels after 4 and 12 weeks of treatment.
A separate study demonstrated no additional benefit from extending telaprevir treatment to the full 48 weeks in patients who met the criteria for shorter duration treatment.
A further sub-group analysis of the Advance data showed that telaprevir led to a 62% cure rate in hepatitis C patients with advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis compared with a 33% SVR rate on standard drugs. Patients with those conditions, which can lead to liver cancer or need for a transplant, are also traditionally more difficult to treat than the overall hepatitis C population.
It was said that the Phase III program, starting people with 12 weeks of telaprevir-based combination therapy resulted in significant improvements in viral cure rates, regardless of race, extent of liver damage or experience with prior treatment.
In the Phase III study known as Advance, 62 percent of black patients who received telaprevir achieved sustained viral response (SVR), which is considered tantamount to a cure. That compared with just a 25 percent cure rate from the current standard drugs of pegylated interferon and ribavirin.
The study's overall cure rates 75% for telaprevir in combination with the current standard drugs versus 44% for the standard drugs alone was previously released. But full details of the trial were being presented for the first time at the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases meeting in Boston.
Breaking out an analysis of black patients in the trial was significant because of the greater prevalence of hepatitis C and historically lower cure rates for that population.
FACT: African Americans bare a large proportion of the burden of hepatitis C in the United States compared with Caucasians and the overall general population.
According to data compiled from 1999 to 2002, one in seven African American men between the ages of 50 and 59 in the United States is living with hepatitis C.
Telaprevir, from a new class of antiviral drugs, is widely expected to be approved by U.S. regulators next year. Vertex plans to complete its application seeking approval this year.
Excitement over the drug has been high, and a similar experimental medicine is being developed by Merck & Co. It is said to believe that Merck & Co have demonstrated significantly higher cure rates than current drugs and the potential to cut treatment duration in half for many patients.
Cutting treatment duration from the current 48 weeks is a huge advantage as the current drugs, which must still be taken with the new medicines, can cause debilitating flu-like symptoms that cause many patients to discontinue treatment or avoid it altogether. It is believed that thousands of patients with hepatitis C have been putting off treatment to await the new, more effective medicines.
In the Advance study, 58% of patients who received telaprevir met the criteria for a 24 week treatment duration. Said criteria called for levels of the virus in the blood to fall to undetectable levels after 4 and 12 weeks of treatment.
A separate study demonstrated no additional benefit from extending telaprevir treatment to the full 48 weeks in patients who met the criteria for shorter duration treatment.
A further sub-group analysis of the Advance data showed that telaprevir led to a 62% cure rate in hepatitis C patients with advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis compared with a 33% SVR rate on standard drugs. Patients with those conditions, which can lead to liver cancer or need for a transplant, are also traditionally more difficult to treat than the overall hepatitis C population.
It was said that the Phase III program, starting people with 12 weeks of telaprevir-based combination therapy resulted in significant improvements in viral cure rates, regardless of race, extent of liver damage or experience with prior treatment.
Black People,
Hepatitis C,
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Nicki Minaj Performs on Wendy Williams Show
I love this performance! Nicki Mos Def can show her softer side and it shows in this performance. I've always liked Nicki but I find myself living for her more and more everytime she comes out. She got me.. Nicki How do you do that shit.. lol.. anyways.. Check the video below
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Random Cali Man Dusted.. Sad but Funny
Random man on angel dust jogs away from the police in his boxers & starts to scream while Bucket Naked in a Cali T-Mobile store..
This is his brain on drugs....
This is his brain on drugs....
Pretty Ricky Member Slick Em Is At It Again.. Yea.. He Be Bumpin....
I've come across yet another video of Pretty Ricky member Slick Em doing stuff I would say should remain off camera
"Pretty Ricky" member Slick Em Records Himself Gettin It In With Female In Elevator.
I'm not sure if Slick Em was trying to prove the gay rumors about him to be wrong or if he was just high and feeling freaky
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
New Music: Willow Smith - Whip My Hair
It looks like the Smith family let out another rising star but unlike her big brother Jaden, Willow Smith is not going to be seen on the silver screen making blockbuster movies. Instead she’s taking it back to her daddy’s roots and outlining her spot in the music industry.
Monday, September 13, 2010
New Music: Nicki Minaj ft Will.i.Am - Check It Out

If you saw the MTV VMA Pre-show then you've seen my bitch Nicki Minaj Perform her new song "Check It Out" Ft. From Black Eyed Peas.
Friday, September 10, 2010
NEW MUSIC & VIDEO: Diggy Simmons - What They Been Waiting For
Looks like Daniel "Diggy" Simmons is following his Father (Rev Run) & older brother Jojo Simmons lead and getting on the hip hop band wagon.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
NEW MUSIC: Trey Songz - "Can’t Be Friends"
Trey Songz has released another single “Can’t Be Friends” off his upcoming album “Passion, Pain, & Pleasure” due to drop September 14th.
NEW VIDEO: R.Kelly- “When A Woman Loves"
Well the “King of R&B,” R. Kelly, has returned with his new single “When A Woman Loves” off the forthcoming album “Love Letter.”
Something to think about
If u ain't fucked ya guy/girl in a week or so, they're fuckin someone else! If they don't call u like they used to, they're not interested, if they don't go hard like once upon a time, they're tired of being hurt and played! While u out there doing u, someone is with them comforting them, while u down him/her, someone is uplifting them, while u can care less about his/her feelings or problems, someone is out there consoling them, and value his/her feelings! Grow up and be a man/woman not a lil boy/girl please, before that someone steals ya guy/girl!......
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Decaying of the Sun? Check this sunspot out...
AS READ ON AOL NEWS: New images of a colossal sunspot show the chaos and energy on the surface of the sun.
Friday, September 3, 2010
What's the funniest thing that happened at work?
OMG! Too many to name... But I tend to find a lot of things at work funny that aren't. :)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Cali Doctor Dies In Boyfriend's Chimney

A doctor involved in an "on-again, off-again" relationship apparently tried to force her way into her boyfriend's home by sliding down the chimney, police said Tuesday. Her decomposing body was found there three days later.
Have you ever done porn? If so what was the title of the film? ;)
LMAO! I get asked this a lot. No I've NEVER done a porn. However i would record myself having sex with my lover but that would be just for our eyes only. Not for mass production or internet viewing
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Something To Think About: BE YOURSELF
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. Learn to be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not. Everything isn't for everybody. What works for 1 may not work for the other. Just be the best YOU that you can be. How can people really appreciate & love you if they don't know who YOU really are?
Just a sidebar, but as I was typing this I got a flash in my head from the movie "Just Friends." If you haven't seen it you should it's a good movie. But what was going through my head was the scene when Chris, played by Ryan Reynolds, is looking for his ice skates & he calls his mom to see if she knows where they are. Chris tell his mom he’s looking for his skates because he wanted to show his H.S. crush Jamie, played by Amy Smart, how good at ice skating he got & the mother tells him he should be himself. She then goes off singing "Be Yourself!, Be Yourself!, Be Yourself!"
Better yet I found the video.. check it out below.. LOL!
Just a sidebar, but as I was typing this I got a flash in my head from the movie "Just Friends." If you haven't seen it you should it's a good movie. But what was going through my head was the scene when Chris, played by Ryan Reynolds, is looking for his ice skates & he calls his mom to see if she knows where they are. Chris tell his mom he’s looking for his skates because he wanted to show his H.S. crush Jamie, played by Amy Smart, how good at ice skating he got & the mother tells him he should be himself. She then goes off singing "Be Yourself!, Be Yourself!, Be Yourself!"
Better yet I found the video.. check it out below.. LOL!
Be Yourself,
Just Friends,
Something To Think About,
Monday, August 30, 2010
What is it about gay hookup sites?
What is it about gay hookup sites that give guys the same courage to speak up & holla at someone the way that liquor or substances do for most?
Broad Daylight Abduction & Rape Caught on Camera
I saw this on media take out this afternoon.. WTF is up with the people in this world. Some dude grabs up some 19 y/o girl takes her to the back of a van, rapes her &walks away like nothing. Mind you, all if this happens in broad daylight & is caught on camera... All this happened in NEW JERSEY!!!! SMH
Check out video below...
Check out video below...
Ok so I was on media take out and saw this post. I mean really does it matter? My girl Nicki Is still a BAD BITCH! Honestly it looks the same to me. I mean perhaps she's just getting thick b/c she getting her grub & fuck on. I mean did ya'll see he lay on the table and get pumped? I bet not. So unless you got some camera phone pics or a video of this bitch layin on a table getting her ass done ya'll can save it.... SILICONE or NO SILICONE, Nicki got it.
Not for nothing... she is lookin a lil thick all over....
Not for nothing... she is lookin a lil thick all over....
Traxx Club Owner & Atlanta Black Gay Pride Organizer Durand Robinson Shot & Killed
Durand Robinson, Atlanta Black Gay Pride co-organizer and co-owner of the infamous Traxx nightclub, was shot in the chest and killed in Southwest Atlanta in the early morning hours on Wednesday (August 25th). The incident took place on Hadlock Street around 1:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fire Tornados
What Is A Fire Tornado?
A fire whirl, colloquially fire devil or fire tornado, is a rare phenomenon in which a fire, under certain conditions (depending on air temperature and currents), acquires a vertical vorticity and forms a whirl, or a tornado-like vertically oriented rotating column of air. Fire whirls may be whirlwinds separated from the flames, either within the burn area or outside it, or a vortex of flame, itself.
These natural occurrences can be extremely dangerous, as a 1923 fire tornado near Tokyo proved when it killed 38,000 people in 15 minutes.
Below is Video of the Fire Tornado that hit Brazil recently
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Artist Spotlight EXCLUSIVE: ~*~ AL-B ~*~
Call it R&B with a hip-hop urgency. “We’re just making sure that I’m felt in the streets as much as I’m felt on the soulful level,” says 23-year-old songbook/ recording artist Al-B. I tell you this man has it in his future to make it big. His mixtape "Underrated 1.0" was released yesterday, and I must say the shit is hot. You can check out the tracks below. I'm telling you, it's pure enjoyment. Al-B mos def got skills & I look forward to seeing him make some BIG moves.

What is it? Kegel exercises help to strengthen the pelvic muscles and to bring back or improve bladder and bowel control. People with stress incontinence (in-KON-ti-nens) (urine leakage during activities or exercise) often do Kegel exercises. People with fecal incontinence (problems controlling bowel movement leakage) may also do Kegel exercises. These exercises are done by tightening and relaxing the pelvic muscles. Kegel exercises are also called pelvic floor muscle training or pelvic floor exercises. They must be done correctly and regularly in order to help strengthen the pelvic muscles.
What are pelvic muscles? Pelvic muscles are attached to the area between your pelvic (hip) bones. These muscles act like a strong floor to help hold your pelvic organs in place. Examples of pelvic organs are the bladder (holds urine) and rectum (holds bowel movements). Certain conditions may cause the pelvic muscles to weaken. When your pelvic muscles become weak, the pelvic organs may sag onto one another. When this happens, you may have stress incontinence or other problems.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
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