Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. Learn to be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not. Everything isn't for everybody. What works for 1 may not work for the other. Just be the best YOU that you can be. How can people really appreciate & love you if they don't know who YOU really are?
Just a sidebar, but as I was typing this I got a flash in my head from the movie "Just Friends." If you haven't seen it you should it's a good movie. But what was going through my head was the scene when Chris, played by Ryan Reynolds, is looking for his ice skates & he calls his mom to see if she knows where they are. Chris tell his mom he’s looking for his skates because he wanted to show his H.S. crush Jamie, played by Amy Smart, how good at ice skating he got & the mother tells him he should be himself. She then goes off singing "Be Yourself!, Be Yourself!, Be Yourself!"
Better yet I found the video.. check it out below.. LOL!
Keep in the loop with whats going on with me as welll as other things I find interesting and want to share.

- Jojo
- New York, New York, United States
- I'm a NYC gay Socialite, Model, Party Animal & Just Plain AWESOME!! #TeamBeackham
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
What is it about gay hookup sites?
What is it about gay hookup sites that give guys the same courage to speak up & holla at someone the way that liquor or substances do for most?
Broad Daylight Abduction & Rape Caught on Camera
I saw this on media take out this afternoon.. WTF is up with the people in this world. Some dude grabs up some 19 y/o girl takes her to the back of a van, rapes her &walks away like nothing. Mind you, all if this happens in broad daylight & is caught on camera... All this happened in NEW JERSEY!!!! SMH
Check out video below...
Check out video below...
Ok so I was on media take out and saw this post. I mean really does it matter? My girl Nicki Is still a BAD BITCH! Honestly it looks the same to me. I mean perhaps she's just getting thick b/c she getting her grub & fuck on. I mean did ya'll see he lay on the table and get pumped? I bet not. So unless you got some camera phone pics or a video of this bitch layin on a table getting her ass done ya'll can save it.... SILICONE or NO SILICONE, Nicki got it.
Not for nothing... she is lookin a lil thick all over....
Not for nothing... she is lookin a lil thick all over....
Traxx Club Owner & Atlanta Black Gay Pride Organizer Durand Robinson Shot & Killed
Durand Robinson, Atlanta Black Gay Pride co-organizer and co-owner of the infamous Traxx nightclub, was shot in the chest and killed in Southwest Atlanta in the early morning hours on Wednesday (August 25th). The incident took place on Hadlock Street around 1:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fire Tornados
What Is A Fire Tornado?
A fire whirl, colloquially fire devil or fire tornado, is a rare phenomenon in which a fire, under certain conditions (depending on air temperature and currents), acquires a vertical vorticity and forms a whirl, or a tornado-like vertically oriented rotating column of air. Fire whirls may be whirlwinds separated from the flames, either within the burn area or outside it, or a vortex of flame, itself.
These natural occurrences can be extremely dangerous, as a 1923 fire tornado near Tokyo proved when it killed 38,000 people in 15 minutes.
Below is Video of the Fire Tornado that hit Brazil recently
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Artist Spotlight EXCLUSIVE: ~*~ AL-B ~*~
Call it R&B with a hip-hop urgency. “We’re just making sure that I’m felt in the streets as much as I’m felt on the soulful level,” says 23-year-old songbook/ recording artist Al-B. I tell you this man has it in his future to make it big. His mixtape "Underrated 1.0" was released yesterday, and I must say the shit is hot. You can check out the tracks below. I'm telling you, it's pure enjoyment. Al-B mos def got skills & I look forward to seeing him make some BIG moves.

What is it? Kegel exercises help to strengthen the pelvic muscles and to bring back or improve bladder and bowel control. People with stress incontinence (in-KON-ti-nens) (urine leakage during activities or exercise) often do Kegel exercises. People with fecal incontinence (problems controlling bowel movement leakage) may also do Kegel exercises. These exercises are done by tightening and relaxing the pelvic muscles. Kegel exercises are also called pelvic floor muscle training or pelvic floor exercises. They must be done correctly and regularly in order to help strengthen the pelvic muscles.
What are pelvic muscles? Pelvic muscles are attached to the area between your pelvic (hip) bones. These muscles act like a strong floor to help hold your pelvic organs in place. Examples of pelvic organs are the bladder (holds urine) and rectum (holds bowel movements). Certain conditions may cause the pelvic muscles to weaken. When your pelvic muscles become weak, the pelvic organs may sag onto one another. When this happens, you may have stress incontinence or other problems.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
On August 16th German pop star Nadja Benaissa (pictured above) of the group “No Angels” stood before a court in Darmstadt, Germany weeping. Nadja, once part of the biggest-selling German girl group to date, stands trial this week facing charges of aggravated assault due to allegations she had unprotected sex with her ex-lovers without informing any of them of her HIV status. Nadja, now 28, was told of her status at the tender age of 17 following a routine screening. Of the three men she’s said to had sex with between 2000 and 2004, one of them was infected with HIV and is proclaiming he contracted the disease from Nadja. Nadja was arrested last year and served ten days in jail.
Boycotters Do Flash Mobb Stlye Protest At TARGET!
A bunch of protesters out in West Seattle took over a nearby Target, equipped with a band and choreographed dance routines, to bring attention to the controversy surrounding Target’s $150,000 donation to an anti-gay, anti-worker gubernatorial candidate in Minnesota.
239 West 52nd Street
New York, NY 10019-5893
7:00PM - 4:00AM
ADVANCED Tickets: $20.00
General DOOR Tickets: $20.00
ADVANCED TICKETS are now available for purchase at GMHC, Monday-Friday from 12:00pm-7:00pm UNTIL August 19, 2010. CASH ONLY PLEASE.
119 West 24th Street
7th FLOOR - Community Health
New York, NY 10011
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Shake Them Haters Off!
A hater is someone that is jealous and envious and spends all their time
Trying to make you look small, so they can look tall. They are very
Negative people. Nothing is ever good enough!
When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters... That's
Why you have to be careful who you share your blessings and your dreams
With because some folk can't handle seeing you blessed... It's dangerous
To be like someone else... If God wanted you to be like somebody else.
He would have given you what He gave them.
You don't know what people have gone through to get what they have...
The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't
Know my story... If the grass looks greener on the other side of the
Fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too.
We've all got some haters among us!
Some people don't like it that you can:
-Have a relationship with God
-Light up a room when you walk in
-Start your own business
-Tell a man/woman to get lost (if they aren’t about the right thing)
-Raise children without both parents being around & not ask for a dime from anyone
-Haters don't want to see you happy
-Haters don't want to see you succeed
-Haters don't want you to get the Victory
You can handle your haters by:
--Knowing who you are and who your true friends are
--Having a purpose to your life
--By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human
Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be
Unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called
You to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you.
Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live...when it's your
Time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say, I've lived my life
And full-filled my dreams ... I'm ready to go HOME! Only the Strong
When God gives you a favor, you can tell your haters, "Don't look at
Me...Look at who is in charge of me..."
Watch out for Haters...........BUT most of all don't become a HATER Yourself!
** Please Note ** I Did Not Write This.. But I Love IT!!!!!
~*~ Value Of Friends ~*~
It is a difficult time sometimes to come to the rational that some people in your life have no "value" to give!
Now, when I say value and I am not talking about assets, bank accounts, money, cars, house, apartment... I mean to take the time and really look at how much value a person can provide is a difficult yet "eye opening" situation. It always amazes me how fast you can let someone walk out of your life. Well there is a saying that fast as you come is fast as you go! Nevertheless it is a person’s value that should determine how fast he/she can leave.
What happens when you value more to a person than they value to you? I believe that there comes a point where we have to look at the value of all the people that we deal with on a weekly, daily, month and hourly basis. After looking at who adds value to your life then you can look at the people who do not any value and realize that it is not their value that you are looking at but more so their immediate satisfaction of being apart of your life. Every one that is apart of your life is not necessarily there for value but more so for a season or reason!
Look at your list of friends and mates and see how much value do they really have in my life... Some of the nuances of life that we experience can be avoided because we are giving someone who has no value in our life the placement of someone who has longivity and value.... An associate can not be a friend because a friend’s value is more than an associate or aquantiance can ever be! Know your value to someone and make sure you know the value of your peers to you.... Just a food for thought!
Now, when I say value and I am not talking about assets, bank accounts, money, cars, house, apartment... I mean to take the time and really look at how much value a person can provide is a difficult yet "eye opening" situation. It always amazes me how fast you can let someone walk out of your life. Well there is a saying that fast as you come is fast as you go! Nevertheless it is a person’s value that should determine how fast he/she can leave.
What happens when you value more to a person than they value to you? I believe that there comes a point where we have to look at the value of all the people that we deal with on a weekly, daily, month and hourly basis. After looking at who adds value to your life then you can look at the people who do not any value and realize that it is not their value that you are looking at but more so their immediate satisfaction of being apart of your life. Every one that is apart of your life is not necessarily there for value but more so for a season or reason!
Look at your list of friends and mates and see how much value do they really have in my life... Some of the nuances of life that we experience can be avoided because we are giving someone who has no value in our life the placement of someone who has longivity and value.... An associate can not be a friend because a friend’s value is more than an associate or aquantiance can ever be! Know your value to someone and make sure you know the value of your peers to you.... Just a food for thought!
How Many Faces Would Someone Say That You Have?
How many faces would someone say that you have?
I am perplexed at times because I often take time to look at myself in the mirror and say how many faces would someone say I have! It is just something that makes me think from time to time. I try to keep it real and I definitely try to be seriously real and truthful with the people who I call "my peeps".... In life we all have to have someone or peeps that we can remove the masks of the many faces we portray and be real wit! I do not see the purpose of calling someone friend, brother, sister, cuz or companion if you can not keep it real with them... MESS is something that creates itself in a relationship (whether it be friendship, or a partner relationship) when the bond between you and the next person is not kept true and one of you have put on a face that should not be there...
If you are my friend and I am yours then I am going to be real with you and keep the faces out of who we are to one another... REALNESS, lets keep it that way because you can not be close to someone if you are not real with them. I believe that there is a certain level of realness that should come from your closer relationships with someone. If you knew me for years then you should be a support of me... well "should" is the word and sometimes we have to look at ourselves before we start to evaluate whether or not someone is being themselves or have a face on!
My friends know that if I call you friend then that means I love you regardless of the situations that may arise.... BUT... if I call you friend I expect that you are going to tell me the real deal and not the face that you put on with others to make it seem like "A" when it is really "B". It astonishes me how people can throw lies so much to the point that when he/she opens their mouth the first thought that you have is which lie are they going to tell today! LOL
That brings me to the face called "center of attention"... Do you always have to be the center of attention? Albeit, I am the type of person that does not mind working in the background I am yet still at times brought to the center of attention... NOT because of who I am or what I know but because of what I do... Some of the church people’s know that is called being "blessed" and what you sow in silence...God rewards openly!
Nevertheless, my point is remove the faces that we carry sometimes and show people the real you. It is appreciated more when getting to know you. No one is perfect and no one has all of their stuff in perfect order. So if you want to be valued by your love ones, colleagues, friends and associates... Be true to yourself by being true to them! Take off the faces of life, the faces of living in the past and not for the present or future, the faces of lies, deception and confusion, the faces of false pretenses and disrespect... Be yourself because when you are yourself … that’s really "A GOOD LOOK!"
*** Please Note *** I did not write this. I came across it and it hit home for me especially after these past couple of years with me weeding out my true friends and all. I hope this strikes a nerve in others the same way it did me.
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