When they were passing out power, Scorpio, you didn't have to butt in line-the other signs scurried out of your way, intimidated and intrigued by your pronounced stinger. A born man-trap, you irradiate energy like a live electrical wire, stunning all who cross your path.
Not that you don't have a softer side for those lucky enough to be permitted to see it. As a Water sign, your inner world is often a turbulent whirlpool of emotions frothing just beneath the surface. Your fixed quality keeps it well under wraps, though, and only those closest to you ever glimpse so much as a chink in your armor.
Others find you fascinating, but you often feel the need to stay aloof, not because you enjoy solitude, but because your standards are high. Dark places are your playground, and you enjoy being the shocking surprise in the corner.
Those who do get invited into your lair will find a your place a neatly organized headquarters for your quest of world domination-woe to the guest who unwittingly rearranges your DVD collection or replaces a hand-towel on the wrong bar. Scorpios are known to have a streak of the freak: neat-freak, control-freak, and downright freak-y in the dungeon.
You'll often resist change, but transformation is frequently quite good for you. Scorpios thrive on new challenges and settings, despite an affinity for known routines and surroundings. Similarly, despite your fiery libido and the welcome you receive in many beds, your sense of stability craves a lover worthy of your loyalty.
A master strategist, you are all about cutting the lag time between desire and fulfillment. Your prey barely has time to struggle before being devoured. Once you've made him yours, you aren't one to take straying lightly…you keep a secret cabinet full of exotic devices to punish cheating hearts and their other parts.
Jealousy is too petty a word. What you feel when your territory is invaded is nothing less than rage at the affront. After all, you are no one to be trifled with. Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto, two of the manliest Greek gods and also the most dangerous. Despite your fierceness and love of battle, Scorpio, you have deep pockets of compassion and often aim your weapon at the forces of injustice on behalf of the helpless.
A warrior in the boardroom as in the bedroom, it's a rare Scorpio who finds success to be elusive. Once you fixate on the object of your obsession, no wise creature interferes with your plans, and you generally rise to whatever heights your fancy drives you to. A penchant for healing and stoic endurance has a brought a great number of you to the medical field and caretaking positions.
Your refined, classic tastes are evident in your style and abode. Conservative with expenditures (some would say tight with the checkbook), you enjoy the finer things in life, and rarely cheat yourself when it comes to clothing or décor. Money is power, so you like to keep a tidy bundle of it around, but you'll pick up the tab and dinner and even fight for the right.
Your tongue is often too sharp for the unwary, and Scorpios are possessed with a biting wit that often injures unintentionally. This creates some distance between you and those who feel it might be safer to worship you from afar.
You laugh at pain, so are likelier than other signs to be pierced and sport elaborate murals of ink on your skin. You also have a reputation for kinkiness and for being a tasteful yet harsh dominant…your urge is not to punish so much as to control. A bevy of willing slaves will turn up for your tender whip, but you have particular tastes, and only the most intriguing victims are chosen for a night of dark delights.
Like all Scorpios, you are deeply individualistic, prizing your uniqueness and fend off any outside attempts to redefine your identity. The crowd follows you, not the other way around. All this attention gets to you sometimes, as you treasure your privacy, so it's not at all unknown for Scorpios to lead a double life.
You sometimes like to slip away to a lightly populated white-sand beach (preferably clothing optional) to be alone with your thoughts or your current lucky conquest. Bathed in moonlight and just barely out of sight is the mood that gets you worked up; Scorpio is the quintessential creature of the night.
Keep in the loop with whats going on with me as welll as other things I find interesting and want to share.

- Jojo
- New York, New York, United States
- I'm a NYC gay Socialite, Model, Party Animal & Just Plain AWESOME!! #TeamBeackham
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Gay Scorpio Dating: Only the Strong Survive
Some like it hot. Some like it stinging hot. And some like to date Scorpios.
If you enjoy wrestling rattlesnakes for their eggs or snatching honey from an angry hive of bees, at some point you'll probably be cruising for a Scorpio. He'll be the handsome, muscular stranger lurking in the corner like a warlock, clad in a sleeveless black vest over his bare chest, daring you to dance with his penetrating gaze.
Not just anyone can be invited to share his lair. Aloof, casually social, and intensely independent, Scorpio prefers hunting to being hunted. You don't pick up a Scorpio so much as get consumed by him.
Private rather than lonesome, Scorpios form close-knit friendships and tend to be a hit with the crowd, but prefer to stick with a small circle of intimate and trusted confidants. These will be the gatekeepers whose approval you'll need before gaining admittance to his clique.
Burn the Scorpion, and you'll find that not only does he not accept apologies, he does not listen to them. Cheating on Scorpio is a mistake very, very few repeat, as he can be furiously jealous, and only has about a half inch of wick on the quarter-stick of dynamite in the first place.
How to Attract Gay Scorpio
Scorpio loves nothing more than an alluring mystery, so be enigmatic and flit in and out of his sphere of influence while waiting for him to pounce. He only insults people he likes, so if he points his blistering wit at you, take the jibe with good humor and know that things are going well.
The key to staying in his crosshairs is to arouse his curiosity; drop cryptic hints about intimate piercings or tattoos he'll have to undress you to reveal. Hold back on the life story; if you tell all to Scorpio up front, he'll have nothing left to discover.
You'll find Scorpios in high concentration at the world-famous Burning Man festival, which combines the caustic barren desert, orgiastic hedonism, and artistic nihilism to create something very like heaven on Earth for most Scorpios. They often dabble in magic and the occult, and are fascinated by extravagant displays of wealth and beauty.
The key to staying in his crosshairs is to arouse his curiosity; drop cryptic hints about intimate piercings or tattoos he'll have to undress you to reveal. Hold back on the life story; if you tell all to Scorpio up front, he'll have nothing left to discover.
You'll find Scorpios in high concentration at the world-famous Burning Man festival, which combines the caustic barren desert, orgiastic hedonism, and artistic nihilism to create something very like heaven on Earth for most Scorpios. They often dabble in magic and the occult, and are fascinated by extravagant displays of wealth and beauty.
Gay Scorpio Quirks and Erogenous Zones
Scorpios generally don't call back after a one-night stand, so if long-term is on your agenda, be buddies first and let him set the pace. As things heat up, guide his piercing orbs toward "accidentally" exposed spots of your most flattering flesh, by stretching and bending, heedless to the show you're giving him. It's not wise to make the first move with a Scorpio; far better to entice him to come to you.
You'll have no difficulty pleasing Scorpio, so long as you tend to his every whim. No problem locating his erogenous zone; ruled by lusty Mars, Scorpios are tied to the Root Chakra. For those of you who fell asleep in yoga class, the region to focus on is between the upper thigh, and the lower belly. Just follow the neatly trimmed treasure trail to the source of his power-and your pleasure.
Those with an oral fixation will discover Scorpio eagerly accepting such attention. More of a top than a bottom, the Scorpion is known for energetic displays of powerful mastery, and slaves will find Scorpio to be an excellent disciplinarian.
He'll have his own whip if he's a typical Scorpio fetishist, but unfortunately there is no such thing as a typical Scorpio. So when it's looking like a long night might be ahead, pack some candles, a blindfold, and couple doses of antivenom in case he forgets himself.
You'll have no difficulty pleasing Scorpio, so long as you tend to his every whim. No problem locating his erogenous zone; ruled by lusty Mars, Scorpios are tied to the Root Chakra. For those of you who fell asleep in yoga class, the region to focus on is between the upper thigh, and the lower belly. Just follow the neatly trimmed treasure trail to the source of his power-and your pleasure.
Those with an oral fixation will discover Scorpio eagerly accepting such attention. More of a top than a bottom, the Scorpion is known for energetic displays of powerful mastery, and slaves will find Scorpio to be an excellent disciplinarian.
He'll have his own whip if he's a typical Scorpio fetishist, but unfortunately there is no such thing as a typical Scorpio. So when it's looking like a long night might be ahead, pack some candles, a blindfold, and couple doses of antivenom in case he forgets himself.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
JD Gets Janet 2 Give Out Info On The Opening Act 4 Her Tour
This Is a video of JD sneeking backstage to talk to Janet to get info on her tour. I can't wait. I already have my tickets for the Oct 17th show in Jersey..
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Epiphany Of Hope
Dear Jesus Lord,
You've made my day, through the thunder & rain reminded me it will be o.k.
You've looked after me in all my hard times, and still I rejected you and got down grime.
In my heart I knew you existed, even when I tried to act like my soul was unlisted.
As an offspring of yours I know I'm a winner, however made some wrong turns & lived life a sinner.
Again you've touched my soul & my spirit flies wavin', and help me to realize I'm worthy of savin'.
For all my negative deeds, I look to you and amend.
Heavenly father, I love you, thank you.
You've made my day, through the thunder & rain reminded me it will be o.k.
You've looked after me in all my hard times, and still I rejected you and got down grime.
In my heart I knew you existed, even when I tried to act like my soul was unlisted.
As an offspring of yours I know I'm a winner, however made some wrong turns & lived life a sinner.
Again you've touched my soul & my spirit flies wavin', and help me to realize I'm worthy of savin'.
For all my negative deeds, I look to you and amend.
Heavenly father, I love you, thank you.
Loving Me 4 Me
I used to look outside myself for love, never thinking about my god above.
I used to do things to be considered "cool", and in the end I was branded the "fool".
I used to think it was wrong to be unique, putting up a social front to play hide & seek.
I used to dumb myself out and follow the "band wagon", not accepting my qualities as gifts and should have been braggin'.
I smoked weed, sniffed coke and popped E. With intentions of setting my mind free, looking back now it was b/c I was uncomfortable with my sexuality.
But now today even through all that shit, I'm happy to say... I'm Loving me 4 me and wouldn't have it any other way.
I used to do things to be considered "cool", and in the end I was branded the "fool".
I used to think it was wrong to be unique, putting up a social front to play hide & seek.
I used to dumb myself out and follow the "band wagon", not accepting my qualities as gifts and should have been braggin'.
I smoked weed, sniffed coke and popped E. With intentions of setting my mind free, looking back now it was b/c I was uncomfortable with my sexuality.
But now today even through all that shit, I'm happy to say... I'm Loving me 4 me and wouldn't have it any other way.
Good guy, Bad guy
Good guy, Bad guy ~~> Question- Which one am I?
Growing up my mother told me being a good guy was the way to be, going through a mental conflict that I could not see.
In school I always stuck to the positive ways, coming home with report cards flossin' all A's.
Somewhere along the line I don't know where I went wrong, somehow anger & misery became the name of my song.
Dropped out of school and into the wrong mix, coming home high & disrespectful calling my mom a fat b*t*h.
I remember the time she tried to confront me with the switch, telling her you mis-heard me I said I had a bad ich.
My life spiraled out of control and all out of wack, it's a miracle I didn't result to smoking crack.
With the past being gone and the future so near, however now I'm living in a present of fear.
So back to the question: good guy, bad guy which one am I?
I've always been a good guy, just livin' a bad guy lie.
Growing up my mother told me being a good guy was the way to be, going through a mental conflict that I could not see.
In school I always stuck to the positive ways, coming home with report cards flossin' all A's.
Somewhere along the line I don't know where I went wrong, somehow anger & misery became the name of my song.
Dropped out of school and into the wrong mix, coming home high & disrespectful calling my mom a fat b*t*h.
I remember the time she tried to confront me with the switch, telling her you mis-heard me I said I had a bad ich.
My life spiraled out of control and all out of wack, it's a miracle I didn't result to smoking crack.
With the past being gone and the future so near, however now I'm living in a present of fear.
So back to the question: good guy, bad guy which one am I?
I've always been a good guy, just livin' a bad guy lie.
S- Shy, Sexy, Sassy, Sensual & Sweet.
C- Caring & Cunning, Gifts from god what a treat.
O- Open- minded.
R- Respectful, is how I live day by day.
P- Passionate & Persuasive, but in a good way.
I- Intelligent & Insightful.
O- Opinionative, you know people always tell me I can be a powerful mofo.
I just used each letter of this astrological word to show, each quality within to make me a proud SCORPIO
C- Caring & Cunning, Gifts from god what a treat.
O- Open- minded.
R- Respectful, is how I live day by day.
P- Passionate & Persuasive, but in a good way.
I- Intelligent & Insightful.
O- Opinionative, you know people always tell me I can be a powerful mofo.
I just used each letter of this astrological word to show, each quality within to make me a proud SCORPIO
Funny People
You know sometimes people say the damnedest things, shoutin' out rude remarks hoping it stings.
They look at you funny talking & walking around, or even minding your business not making a sound.
And for strange reasons I don't know why, their stupidity & ignorance make them say things hoping you cry.
However It's only together chillin' with the boys, is when most of them choose to make the most noise.
When you finally had enuff & wanna get it poppin', it gets so quiet you can hear a rat pissin' on cotton.
Then again all alone It's like they have stealh, staying out of the radar you know homie your playin' yourself.
I don't know why, why they can't see. Nothing they say bothers me.
If you can't take a hint, I'll offer some help. You wouldn't be a problem if you just shut the fuck up.
They look at you funny talking & walking around, or even minding your business not making a sound.
And for strange reasons I don't know why, their stupidity & ignorance make them say things hoping you cry.
However It's only together chillin' with the boys, is when most of them choose to make the most noise.
When you finally had enuff & wanna get it poppin', it gets so quiet you can hear a rat pissin' on cotton.
Then again all alone It's like they have stealh, staying out of the radar you know homie your playin' yourself.
I don't know why, why they can't see. Nothing they say bothers me.
If you can't take a hint, I'll offer some help. You wouldn't be a problem if you just shut the fuck up.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Getting Sick Of A Friend
Why is it that when you don't wanna be bothered people take it personal?
I have someone that I used to be close with. I wouldn't say we were bestfriends, but we hung out a lot. Over time I've been seeing little things here and there about the person that I don't like. He Spends more time talking about bullshit. Things that i don't think anyone cares about. If he's not talkin bullshit, he's spreading othe peoples' business. It pisses me off because he talks about people like his life is glitter gold. When infact the truth is, it's really not. Far from it . Most of my other friends that know him tell me that he tries to be like me. I didn't see it at first but more recently I've been seeing it. It's not just me tho. I'm convinced he doesn't know how to be himself. BUT! How could you be yourself, if you don't kow yourself? IDK all I know is that I can't stand to be around him. What makes it even worse, we work together. I mean like share a fuckin office. Looking at him now gives me a headache. Hearing his voice and mostly when he laughs makes me wanna vomit. IDK what wrong with me. I wish I knew why I feel that way towards him. I mean he hasn't done anything personally wrong to me. Besides him being 2-faced, sneeky, a gossip queen, drama queen, shit/rumor starter, and just royal pain in the ass I guess he's ok. I thought for a while it was just me. It's not. My other friends that know him also feel the same. They also agree he is annoying. Let's just say he's not a person you'd invite 1st to a party. Still I don't know if he does this on purpose b/c he wants attention(for people like him any attention is good attention). But As for me I don't like to be around him. I do not enjoy nor to I desire to talk to him anymore. Everytime I talk to him I get mad at myself because I know b4 the convo starts i'm gonna be over it. Yet I still entertain the convo and get over it, as usual. So I've started to just not speak at all. I mean it's working for me. Besides I really have nothing to say to him. I know he feels some sort of way. I don't care. I'm not gonna be like my other friends tho. I'm not gonna say how annoying he is whens he's not around and KiKi with him when he is around. Nope them I would be just as fake as him. I forgot to mention that he was fake. Very phoney. The phoneiness like oozes from his pores. §o he's just another tally in my "I had to cut you off" list. Do I feel bad? Sometimes. However only on the strenght that he has done nothing to me. I can't help the fact that he's an annoying fuck. I can only help how I let it affect me. §o if i'm not around the shit, I can't smell it. Well I think I've expressed myself enough about this topic. I know if the person I was talking about reads this he's gonna do what he does best.. Talk, talk, talk. I don't care. He can talk shit and read me all he wants. That just proves my point!!! Anyways, I Just needed to vent and release.
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