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New York, New York, United States
I'm a NYC gay Socialite, Model, Party Animal & Just Plain AWESOME!! #TeamBeackham

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Loving Me 4 Me

I used to look outside myself for love, never thinking about my god above.

I used to do things to be considered "cool", and in the end I was branded the "fool".

I used to think it was wrong to be unique, putting up a social front to play hide & seek.

I used to dumb myself out and follow the "band wagon", not accepting my qualities as gifts and should have been braggin'.

I smoked weed, sniffed coke and popped E. With intentions of setting my mind free, looking back now it was b/c I was uncomfortable with my sexuality.

But now today even through all that shit, I'm happy to say... I'm Loving me 4 me and wouldn't have it any other way.

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